Getting What You Really Want - A KaptivateMe Client Story
Life and Career Coaching case study with Ileana, AVP, Marketing for a medical device company, and KaptivateMe Client
23 years experience, overseeing more than 15 new product launches and 640 campaigns.
Feeling frustrated and in a rut in a “dead-end” role with no hope of promotion after her company was acquired and her role/title was downgraded from Director to Sr. Manager.
Wants advancement opportunities, to be challenged, and have fulfillment in her role. She is willing to switch companies to get the Director/Sr. Director position.
Looking for coaching in
mindset shifts and motivation while in current role and look for another
positioning and pitching for director-level+ roles
latest job application techniques and technology tips, including maximizing LinkedIn, job boards, recruiters and networking.
resume and cover letter development
feedback and tips on interviewing and specifically how to answer difficult interview questions
health and wellness coaching
life coaching
“One of the things I value about Kate is just how vast her expertise is - meaning she can help with anything from executive career coaching to self-discovery to work-life balance to life coaching to quieting the inner critic and building a life of peace and fulfillment. I am amazed by the vast amount of resources and support she can provide across so many areas. Not to mention her amazing compassion and empathy - she’s a tireless cheerleader for her clients.”
Ileana took a Marketing Director job working for a company she loved and was promised a promotion several months down the road. A year later the company was acquired, her team was dispersed across multiple departments, her leader was let go, she was assigned to a role that was different than the role she was hired for, and her title was changed - and not to the originally promised title. For the first time in Ileana’s career, her self-confidence took a hit and she wasn’t sure how to move forward.
“I'm struggling because I LOVE the company (great culture, people, benefits) but I don't feel valued, appreciated or that I am leveraging my full potential. I think I want to pursue a position with another company - essentially look for a new job - where I can leverage my full experience and capabilities and where I feel valued and appreciated.”
Which is when she found KaptivateMe and started working with Coach Kate. Together they did mindset, strengths and values work, and took a step back to examine what Ileana really wanted out of her next role and company, her career evolution, and life overall. This renewed focus was not only motivating and confidence- building, but also supported further resume, cover letter and pitch development.
“THANK YOU so much for the awesome resources and all the time you put in. It means a lot to me! I plan on submitting my application for the position this evening. I'm so excited about this! And even if I don't get this particular job, I feel well equipped to submit an awesome resume, cover letter and portfolio for similar jobs!”
Ileana focused on strategic networking and pitching, interviewed for multiple roles, negotiated with Kate’s help, and is now in her “dream role.”
“A few months ago I was feeling discouraged, disappointed and resentful that my company and leadership did not recognize my contributions and full capabilities and that I had limited opportunity to demonstrate what I was truly able to accomplish. Now I’m an Associate Vice President of Marketing for a healthcare technology company, where I am recognized, respected and valued. I have full control and decision making around how our US based marketing team functions. I have hired a team of four Directors who are truly amazing, and enjoy my job more than I thought possible.”
Ileana and Kate have continued to work together, both in support of Ileana’s transition to her new company and role, as well as on her health and wellness, and maintaining balance in her life.
“I have a really rewarding job which I love, but now I need to balance exercise and healthy eating, and time to de-stress. My motivation and energy is up and down. I miss my old routine of regular exercise, running, yoga, meditation and journaling. Would love your help putting some structure in place to bring my life in full balance! You are truly amazing and I appreciate you so much!”