New Partnership with Clear Creek Makerspace

Clear Creek Makerspace + KaptivateMe = Partnership Made in Heaven

Opening SPRING 2024!

I am dancing with excitement to announce that I'm partnering with the growing Clear Creek Makerspace (CCM) community as a coach!

Powered by a nonprofit and mission I am passionate about, CCM is a 7,500 sq ft. community workshop in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, with the goal to provide tools, equipment, and community resources to take away the barriers keeping people from exploring a new hobby, starting a new business, or taking their existing pursuits to the next level.

The Clear Creek Makerspace offers a growing, comprehensive offering of tools, equipment, and resources to support members in woodworking, crafting/textiles, metalwork, advanced prototyping (think 3D printing), and much more. We provide lounge areas to mingle, conference and training rooms to come up with the next great idea, classes to help you get your business idea off the ground, and online resources to give and receive advice, find business partners, and of course, make some new friends!

Why I’m So Excited to Coach at CCM and with CCM members

I’ve considered myself an author and artist from day one as a child. A born creative, I happily played with all mediums, learning to express myself and what I was experiencing in the world. A born entrepreneur, I made and sold friendship bracelets and pet rocks in elementary school, and sewed one-of-a-kind bags and purses for extra cash in college. 

In fact, I started college focused on earning a degree in art and graphic design, and ultimately majored in communications after understanding how powerful a well-crafted message can be. An MBA followed, and I quickly found myself using up all of my creative energy on-the-job, and then much of the hands-on aspect disappeared all together as I grew into management. Any personal passion projects, even small crafts, weren’t a priority. And my anxiety and depression grew. 

In 2016 after a decade focused on climbing the Fortune 500 Career ladder to the top, the anxiety and depression I was experiencing were also high. A result, I would later come to understand, from wearing a facade, showing up to meet expectations that didn’t align with who I really am and the life I really want. 

I left my job with no plan to do some soul searching, to get back to the authentic Kate. I picked up my art supplies and my journal, and started feeling better. After starting a consulting business didn’t feel good either, I went and saw a career coach who helped me realize my unique expertise - helping people unpack and reimagine their present and future for a sparkling new perspective and path forward. Coaching! 

I quickly worked to become an International Coaching Federation Professional Certified Coach with a positive-psychology coaching based education, and integrated in my love of arts, writing and creativity immediately into my coaching program (finding lots of scientific studies explaining why the tools worked, with mindfulness, emotional integration and sense-making a key feature!).

Today, I also coach my clients on the power of creativity - not only the mindful arts and crafts kind, but also the power of brainstorming, problem solving, and being able to determine many positive paths forward to multiple positive outcomes. The power to cultivate your own hope and dreams, and make a plan to get there on your own, authentic terms.

I’ve also supported many individuals in leaving their corporate roles to start their own businesses, or to learn a new trade, including someone transitioning from SAAS project manager to professional oil painter, and another leaving coding behind to become a product designer. 

How I’ll Support CCM Members

As a fellow maker and coach, my goals are to:

  • Help makers balance work, life and their time for holistic, creative wellbeing

  • Help makers feel confident about their inner artist and craft

  • Help makers see the possibilities of, and then take action on, turning their passions into a business

  • Help create a community that people want to show up for through collaborative co-creation and conversation

I’ll be hosting workshops and group coaching, and will be available for 1:1 coaching as well. Stay tuned for more event details and additional member discounts.


I’m able to do this work with CCM’s Growing U educational programming thanks to Localworks, a 501c3 nonprofit whose mission is to make Wheat Ridge a more vibrant and sustainable place to live and work by bridging the gap between budding entrepreneur and small business owner.

Growing U provides workshops, resources and micro-funding grants to propel Clear Creek Makerspace members forward. From crafting a product that people share with their friends and family to potentially launching a small online shop, individuals have the opportunity to transition their skills into a budding small business, should they decide to take that step. We recognize that among those who make use of Makerspaces, and based on statistics from the maker phenomenon, a significant portion of this demographic may not have received the necessary educational resources to transform their hobbies or passions into careers that can sustain themselves and their families. As CCM is forecasted to be the leading edge makerspace in the Denver Metro community, Growing U will bridge this gap and will be an incubator for small business creation.

I can’t wait to see you around the makerspace!