Placebos, Power Ups & Energetic Scheduling
When do you feel at your best? Is it certain days, times, moments, activities, people that spark you? Or does your energy roll all day long like my sweet puppy's does? Watch the video from Kaptivate’s February Facebook #LIVEandLEARN below or read on to explore energy management and boosting hacks that support your goals and habits.
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Energetic Block Scheduling
Everyone feels good at different times of the day, and when completing different activities. To help "live in the flow," organize your days to make the most of when you have different types of energy and to build in power ups and placebos to get you through the activities and days that drain.
For instance, tackling the toughest items on your to-do list with morning energy. Or making sales call after a creative, restorative morning of coffee. How can you use something energizing, like a power up or proven placebo, to re-fuel you mid-day? Are you using your strengths to get things done, or trying to push through?
Below is a list of questions for you to journal on to help think all this through to get to your day of energetic flow. Based on your answers, draft up a mock day or week using "blocks" to denote activities, and start experimenting! Grab a workbook for free for more exercises and examples!
What uses my energy but keeps me in flow?
What uses my willpower and takes me out of flow?
What activities restore my energy?
Who refreshes me?
What times of day do I feel at my best? My most drained?
How do I use my strengths to work smarter and easier, not harder?
🦸♀️ Go, Go, Power Rangers!
POWER UPS are quick, easy, and positive actions that make you feel better.
Collecting and activating power ups is one of the most important parts of boosting resilience and living gamefully.
My clients and I list them in planners/journals to look at when we're stressed, add them as reminders to our calendars to create more mindfulness through out the day and create physical reminders in our space to cue these happy actions when we may need them most.
Give a few of ours a try, brainstorm your own, and experiment with what works for you, and when (for instance, I power pose and dance party between clients to reset).
Example Power Ups
1. Identify three things you're grateful for
2. Practice mindfulness by paying attention to each of your senses
3. Do some power poses
4. Switch up the routine and walk/drive a different way, and use every stop light/sign as a reminder to say an affirmation and smile
5. Eat a green Tic-Tac as a happy pill (because placebos work!)